Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Food for Thought: How far do you drive for groceries?

Browsing the other day, I came across this article from, about rural food deserts.  I don't know about you, but I've always heard the term "food deserts" applied to inner-city areas with few to no grocery stores.  But with changes in the agriculture industry and the economy, there are more and more rural areas seeing the same problem.  It's a little mind-boggling that the areas that supply the raw materials for our food don't always have access to the final product.

Quick trip to the Giant near our house

I'm lucky.  I have not one but three basic grocery stores within a mile of home, and could walk to any of them if I had to.  There's also a Trader Joe's and a Whole Foods within a 20-minute drive, and numerous farmers markets, pick-your-own farms, and farmstands in the area.  I aim for grocery shopping once a week, but if I forget or run out of something, no big deal, the store is right there.

How far do you go for groceries?  Do distance and time affect how you shop?

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